While traveling to university by train, I noticed a sound coming from afar and getting gradually louder. A traveling salesman was inviting random passengers to his brother’s wedding.
The words “Cairo Return” are written on third class roundtrip train tickets from the capital Cairo to my hometown of Ashmoun, located in the south of the Delta of Egypt. When I started university, the train became a regular part of my life, and I would make the four hour round trip several times a week.
Every single person on the train has their own worlds and imaginations, gathered together by fate for a few hours a time.
أثناء سفري إلى الجامعة بالقطار، سٌرق انتباهي إلى صوت قادم من بعيد، تعلو حدته تدريجياً، حتى بدأت باستيعابه بوضوح؛ كان أحد الباعة الجائلين يدعو بعض الركاب لعرس أخيه.
«القاهرة عودة» هو اسم تذكرة قطار تتيح لحاملها رحلتين ذهاباً وإياباً، على متن قطار من الدرجة الثالثة يصل بين العاصمة القاهرة، ومدينتي أشمون الواقعة جنوب الدلتا. مع بداية مرحلة الجامعة أصبح القطار جزءً لا يتجزأ من حياتي، من خلال رحلتين مدتهما اربع ساعات لعدة مرات في الأسبوع.
كل شخص يهيم في عالمه، إلا بعض الاشخاص الذين جمعهم القدر، لغَزْل خيوط متشابكة في بناء عالمٍ لا ينتهي عند باب القطار.
Ahmed Qabel is an Egyptian photographer whose work is focused on documenting social issues and marginalized communities. Born in 1999 in Menoufia Governorate, Delta, Egypt, he started photography in 2018, and studied accounting and business commerce at Al-Azhar University in Cairo.
Ahmed Qabel is an Egyptian photographer whose work is focused on documenting social issues and marginalized communities. Born in 1999 in Menoufia Governorate, Delta, Egypt, he started photography in 2018, and studied accounting and business commerce at Al-Azhar University in Cairo.